The Wertheims

Going through The 210 Project with a spouse can be such a rich experience in spurring your husband or wife on to discover what God has uniquely equipped them for, while at the same time discovering it yourself. Hear more from Anna and Jeff Wertheim about how going through The 210 Project together has enriched this season of their marriage and their lives!


“The 2:10 Project did far more than re-affirm that God’s plan for my life is to be a pharmacist, but it radically changed the attitude with which I approach my job each day. Participating in the 2:10 study alongside my husband Jeff, allowed me to witness a transformation in him I am amazed to see. It has helped me see that God has a very different, exciting plan for the rest of our lives than either of us ever thought it would be.”


“I did not know what questions to ask or how to start to discover the picture God has for my life. I would say doing The 2:10 Project along with Anna was like doing a paint by numbers or a connect the dots. After doing the excercises and listening to God’s voice, He brought my picture into clear focus. The picture is amazing, because God painted it for me. It is His story for my life. I plan on working with children who are aging out of the foster care system and need help and guidance. I can’t explain how excited I am and how terrified as well…moving into the unknown. But knowing God is there first gives me the confidence and sense of adventure in learning to trust Him.”

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What is the 210 Project

A Life-Changing Process—The 2:10 Project is both a book and an interactive process. The online assessments and activities include the Strengths Profile, the Spiritual DNA Inventory, a Passions Survey and Interactive Timelines.

The results of the profiles and key questions make up the interactive S.O.L.O. Workbook—a notebook that you can pray and journal through, take with you on your days of solitude, and refer to over and over in the months and years ahead as you discover your place in God’s story.

The 2:10 Project is highly practical. The online exercises conclude with “My 2:10 M.A.P.” which is a roadmap leading to you to action —the action that is all about your place in God’s transcendent story.

All you will need is the book and the access code provided to you when you purchased the book.

Visit The 2:10 Project website soon and often to receive encouragement and support as you walk out your calling in the weeks and months ahead.