
Insert a blog post list using the blog shortcode. Add the shortcode to a page or other content area to produce a list of blog posts. Optional parameters allow customization of the display.

Example shortcode:

[blog category="1" posts_per_page="2" paging="false" image_width="450" image_height="125" excerpt_length="-1" read_more="-1" orderby="rand"]

Default Usage


Blog from Categories

[blog category="7,8,9"]


(string) The category ID’s to pull posts from. Can be entered as a comma separated list.
(bool) (Optional) Show featured image in blog list. (true/false)
(integer) (Optional) The featured image height. Set to “0” for auto.
(integer) (Optional) The featured image width. Set to “0” for auto.
(string) (Optional) Display excerpt or full post. Values: excerpt, full
(integer) (Optional) The length of the excerpt, number of words to display. Set to “-1” for no excerpt.
(bool) (Optional) Show or hide the post date. (true/false)
(bool) (Optional) Show or hide the author avatar image. (true/false)
(bool) (Optional) Show or hide the author name and link. (true/false)
(bool) (Optional) Show or hide the comments link. (true/false)
(bool) (Optional) Show or hide the list of categories assigned to the post. (true/false)
(bool) (Optional) Show or hide the list of tags assigned to the post. (true/false)
(integer) (Optional) The number of posts to display on each page.
(bool) (Optional) Enable paging. (true/false)
(string) (Optional) Shows entered text at the end of the excerpt linking to full post. For example: read_more=”More…”


Posts from categories with paging and post details:

[blog category="7,8,9" author_avatar="true" show_date="true" paging="true"]

Posts from categories, full post no images:

[blog category="7,8,9" post_content="full" images="false"]

Blog from Pages

Blogs may also be generated from pages using a list of page ID’s or the child pages from a parent page ID.

Page Parameters

(string) (Required) Directs the query to use pages instead of posts. Must include the value “page”.
(string) The page ID’s to include. Can be entered as a comma separated list.
(integer) (Optional) Show child pages of the selected parent. Similar to using a category for posts.


Pages from list of page ID’s:

[blog post_type="page" page_id="10,11,12"]

Child pages from parent page ID:

[blog post_type="page" post_parent="9"]

Order and Orderby Parameters

(string) (Optional) Designates the ascending or descending order of the “orderby” parameter.

“ASC” – ascending order from lowest to highest values (1, 2, 3; a, b, c).
“DESC” – descending order from highest to lowest values (3, 2, 1; c, b, a).
(string) (Optional) Sort posts by.

‘none’ – No order.
‘id’ – Order by post id.
‘author’ – Order by author.
‘title’ – Order by title.
‘date’ – Order by date. (default)
‘modified’ – Order by last modified date.
‘parent’ – Order by post/page parent id.
‘rand’ – Random order.
‘comment_count’ – Order by number of comments
‘menu_order’ – Order by Page Order.


Display random posts:

[blog category="8" orderby="rand"]

Display popular posts:

[blog category="8" orderby="comment_count"]

Additional blog information available on the blog information page »

What is the 210 Project

A Life-Changing Process—The 2:10 Project is both a book and an interactive process. The online assessments and activities include the Strengths Profile, the Spiritual DNA Inventory, a Passions Survey and Interactive Timelines.

The results of the profiles and key questions make up the interactive S.O.L.O. Workbook—a notebook that you can pray and journal through, take with you on your days of solitude, and refer to over and over in the months and years ahead as you discover your place in God’s story.

The 2:10 Project is highly practical. The online exercises conclude with “My 2:10 M.A.P.” which is a roadmap leading to you to action —the action that is all about your place in God’s transcendent story.

All you will need is the book and the access code provided to you when you purchased the book.

Visit The 2:10 Project website soon and often to receive encouragement and support as you walk out your calling in the weeks and months ahead.