In reading about Paul’s charge to Timothy in I Timothy 4:14-16, I am stirred to share some very key points that every believer needs to pay attention to.
“Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, which was bestowed upon you through prophetic utterance with the laying on of hands by the presbytery. Take pains with these things, be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself…”
How many people wander around not knowing what their spiritual gifts even are, let alone neglecting the ones they know they have? Paul admonishes Timothy to take pains and be absorbed in them, and lastly to pay close attention to himself.
The 210 Project is designed to help address all three of the above instructions by Paul. Don’t neglect your gifts, use them, and be absorbed in them to know yourself. How can you serve effectively if you don’t even know what your gifts are? If you are aware of your gifts, how are you intentionally using them to further the Kingdom? Paying close attention to who you are is so important in knowing where you will serve.
One other key point in these passages addresses the need for others to be part of your process. Timothy had the elders pray for him which was part of his understanding of who he was, therefore knowing what he was to do. Include others in your process of discovering your gifts and calling, and see how the Lord will bless not only your life richly, but also those you surround yourself with.
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